Message from the Scientific Chair

06 Jul 2022 | 10:14 PM

Two years have gone by since the birth of COVID-19 season. Yet, here we are -adapting… thriving… flourishing. It took lockdowns, social distancing, unemployment, zoom rooms, death of colleagues and loved ones to awaken us that what is essential in our lives can often be taken for granted. Ironically, at some point, the pandemic was the awakening we all really needed.


Another PSMO Midyear is here to remind us that we are moving forward from fear, losses, fatigue, uncertainties. We have changed. We have learned. It didn’t take long for many of us to pioneer innovations, develop new systems, and step up to deliver cancer care despite the new reality we are facing.


This Midyear convention, we bring you topics on Medical Oncology: Becoming and Beyond. While we have lectures that are practice-changing, we have balanced this with light but thought-provoking sessions such as transformational leadership and insights on the flip sides and detours in the life of a Medical Oncologist. Some lectures will deliver life hacks that will surely spark joy in each of us. It is our hope that this convention will inspire us to be better clinicians. But more than that, beyond being a better clinician, we wish to inspire everyone to be kinder to ourselves and to others and be a better human being. 


Welcome to the 20th PSMO Midyear Convention!




Chair, Scientific Program Committee

PSMO 20th Midyear Convention